New Naming Conventions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
One of the senior developers who I use to work with had a great quote that I often think about when stepping into some of the more complex enterprise projects or when trying to explain Microsoft Dynamics CRM or the projects built from the platform and branded using xRM (relationship Management at it's best).
"Simplicity is often on the other side of Complexity" ~Chris Condron but perhaps Oliver Wendell Holmes deserves the credit. Either way I was thrilled to find out that the internal teams at Microsoft have announced this realignment of numbering for Dynamics CRM!
"I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity. " Oliver Wendell Holmes
It shows the deep maturity of the product. It easily communicates the growth and the upward trend of the development efforts and it is straight forward for people to understand.
So KUDOs to the team! Keep up the incredible as you pull together all the new power to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers and the CRM Community!