A writer never really knows the impact of their book until it is out in the field and feedback is coming in. They can judge if it was helpful by the number of sales, but that is more a matter of publisher marketing than general "Did it make a Difference". They can also judge based on the internal editing process and the critical eyes of the editorial teams, but it isn't really the same.
I have now moved past, that unsure stage, that most writers experience when a book is released. The book Teach Yourself Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2011 in 24 Hours feedback is excellent, people are getting value out of their investment in time and dollars, and a few more hundred souls are more efficiently getting more bang out of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
I was motivated to write this little post today, because the newest Microsoft BizSpark webpage included my book within their FURTHER READING section (bottom right). I am now helping the worldwide economy in one tiny way by supporting Entreprenuers and Microsoft in growing new business seeds of success!
For a gardener like me - this is just as exciting as the new sprouts peeking their heads out of the Spring soil outside my window!